Otherwise known as the Classic Massage, this incredibly enjoyable and restorative massage, works the muscles and soft tissues to provide calm and balance and relieve muscle tension. Swedish massage is often the foundation for may other treatments. The techniques used within Swedish massage are four main movements that are used to soothe and improve muscle condition, improve circulation and help you feel relaxed. These movements are called effleurage, petrissage, kneading and tapotement and are used in combination of firm and lighter strokes, with the goal of relaxing muscle tissue and increasing blood flow to the heart.
There are multiple benefits of Swedish Massage, including:
Embrace the Tranquility that Menopause Deserves
Are you looking for a holistic approach to managing the symptoms of menopause / perimenopause? Look no further! This exceptional massage is here to offer you the peace and serenity you deserve during this transformative phase of life.
Discover the path to serenity and rejuvenation during menopause and perimenopause.
Also known as Maderotherapy, this treatment incorporates Swedish Body Massage movements with the use of specially designed wooden hand tools, which will sculpt and tone the face and body contours using firm, repetitive massage strokes. The treatment also combines the use of pre-blended aromatherapy oils for relaxing, detoxifying or revitalising effects on mind and body. This treatment is great for:-
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